Where I take you through my adventures in crafting. I love using my Silhouette and Cricut to create fun cards, scrapbooks, and so much more for my family and friends.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Did you know Girl Scout Cookies are Here!!!
Hi all, how's the week going? My week has gotten drastically better since I don't feel sick anymore. I even went to the gym this morning. Yeah!!! So are you sick of Girl Scout Cookies yet? I hope not because we have a booth sale coming up this weekend. It is one of the last weekends of the season, I am just hoping not to many people in our area gave up sweets for lent!.
So with that I had to make some cute and practical stuff for our booth. The first being a table cloth. We are a Daisy troop so we don't have any supplies for the troop as of yet. I decided that I would make a table cloth that we can use in the coming years and can be re-used once my younger daughter joins the Scouts.
Please ignore my horrible ironing skills. I suck at it and hate it all at the same time. So to make this table cloth I went to Jo-ann's and bought 2 yards of blue cotton canvas for $5.00. I then spent $10 on some flocked heat transfer vinyl from Silhouette. I actually bought it on Amazon, so it was shipped for free. The next thing I did was go to the Girl Scout's website and download their logo. I then opened the logo in the designer edition of Silhouette studio and used the trace function to make a cut file of the logo. I will make a tutorial of this soon, I always forget when I am in the middle of a project. Anyhow, I then cut the logo, and the text and ironed then onto the blue table cloth that I had hemmed. One thing I did learn: The instructions on the vinyl say to place a towel between the vinyl and the iron. I tried this and it did not work, or I wasn't patient enough, so I just put the iron directly on the vinyl. It came out fine, and the plastic transfer material didn't melt.
So the next few things I did for the booth are straight from Pinterest, and not too much creativity on my part. I am not very creative when I am sick!!!. Here is my Pinterest page with the Girl Scout stuff, so you can find the sources.
I made some lanyards for the girls, so they could easily calculate how much the customers owe.
I made this cute table topper with some scrapbook paper, vinyl and a dollar store tin.
Here is what the booth should look like during our sale.
Last but not least, I made some door hangers to let the people we sold door-to-door know that their cookies had arrived. This helped a ton with the delivery, because we didn't have to stop by people's houses over and over. They just called and let us know when they would be home. Also my daughter made thank-you cards to pass out with her orders. Hopefully this will get us some return customers.
So that is all I have for today. Hope you have a great week, and wish us luck selling cookies!!!
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