Where I take you through my adventures in crafting. I love using my Silhouette and Cricut to create fun cards, scrapbooks, and so much more for my family and friends.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Valentine's Week Day 3: Easy Mantel Decor
Hi all hope your week is going well. We are currently digging out from over a foot a snow, with more to come tonight. It is fun though when you have this much snow!!! So I missed yesterday because I had to take care of our Troops cookie delivery. It was a very busy day ... and might I mention that it is not fun being on a diet when there 450 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in your living room. Anyway ... today I wanted to share my Mantel Decorations for Valentines Day. One of the things I wanted to concentrate my crafting on this year was home decor. Especially for Holidays. So here is what I created ...
I really love Burlap, but wasn't quite sure what to do with it. I ran across a roll of this burlap ribbon and decided that I could stencil it. When one of my friends was over for a play date we decided to cut the roll in half and each make a banner or table runner for Valentine's Day. I used my Cameo to cut some stencils out of Freezer paper. We then used the stencils with some paint and foam brushes to paint the designs onto the burlap. I think they came out pretty cute.
I also decided to create the framed art works. Here is what they each look like ...
I used my Cameo and the print and cut feature to create these posters. To add some visual interest, I cut some parts of each of the words out of double sided sticker paper and added glitter to them. It was simple project, but I really love how they add and anchor point to the mantel.
That's all I have for now, I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!!!