
Monday, December 10, 2012

Dear Santa with the Cricut

    Hi all, long time no write!!!  The holidays really do get in the way of this blogging thing.  I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and really are enjoying this Holiday season.  I have been actually crafting, just no time to post.
    So today I have my kids Dear Santa paper to write their letters.  My oldest daughter specifically asked me to make her a pretty paper to write her letter on.  When I asked her why, she said that she thought Santa really liked the paper and he would pay more attention to her list.  So essentially she thinks it gives her a leg up with Santa!!!  Kids can be so funny.

    The Dear Santa cut is from the Ultimate Sampler cartridge.  The Ho Ho Ho and Naughty or Nice cuts are from Create a Critter 2.
    So that is all I have today.  I have been working on some gift card holders and gift tags.  I will post them later this week.

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